Friday, October 19, 2012

Black & White Photography PART 3

1.) What first caught your eye while looking at your photographers photos? Is there something in particular about their photos that made you want to choose them? I Just like the way he captured all the photos, i liked how he made some of the shadows interact in the photos. I just like how he took the pictures in general.
2.) Look at those 2 photos you posted last time in the assignment Great Black and White Photographers Part 2. Use your five senses to tell me more about those photos. Answer them on your blog.
I See- I See a lot of geometric shapes. I See squares on the candy shop wall. I See stripes on the walls. I See stripes Everywhere.
I smell-I Smell the cigarette She is smoking. I Smell maybe the perfume she is wearing. i smell the sweet smell of candy.
I hear- i hear the sound of the lady inhaling her cigarette smoke. i hear the sound og her exhaling. i hear the sound of the little boy asking his mom for candy.
I taste- i taste the sweet taste of candy.
I feel-  The clothe Flowers on the women head.

 I Would like to make a poster . That way i have room and its tangible.

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