Friday, February 1, 2013

Photoshop Notes

Nestle- tools are stacked on each other- to access those tools you have to left click and hold.


Command+= Zoom

Command- =Zoom Out

Command o = Open

Command c = Copy

Command v = Paste

Command s = Save

Command P = Print

**** Command z = Step Back

To turn an image go to >Image>image rotation Cw & Ccw

CW= Clockwise

CCW=Counter Clock Wise

180= ½ A Rotation

Channel Blue

Channel Green

Channel Red

Moved Just The Brown Hershey Kiss (Just A Little lighter)


Rename your image
Make sure the image is saved as a .jpg at the highest (maximum) image quality

Alwayas crop to 300 resolution- for now do not crop selectively- crop the ENTIRE

SAVE-you do not have to rename the image at this point. Save often and regulary

Close this image

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